
Seeing a Color-Blind Future by Patricia J. Williams.

Decent Essays

Chapter 1: The Emperor 's New Clothes

In this chapter, Mrs. Williams explores society 's failure to deal straightforwardly with the practice of exclusion. This is something that infects everyone, from the very old to the very young, and Mrs. Williams does a great job of pointing these things out. As I proceeded to read this piece, I found myself being able to relate and agree with a lot of the things Mrs. Williams spoke on. The truth of the matter is the fact that society puts emphasis on things that do not really matter and not enough emphasis on things that really matter is a big problem in today 's world. We are currently living in a society that attempts to hide things from our youth as if this is benefiting them. "Protecting our …show more content…

There was no round-the-clock coverage of this incident. In fact it was kept kind of quiet. In the end, what it all boils down to is that to be black is to be exploited. Black religion is even exploited, in Harlem, New York bus loads of tourists bombard black churches with cameras fighting with members of the congregation to get a good seat. I had no idea that practices of this nature were taking place. Journalists, reporters, and tourists treating the black church as if it is a spectacle of some sort trying to get the perfect camera angle and other nonsense. It is ok to observe a religion in order to get a better understanding of the people who practice the religion; in fact this is encouraged. The line is drawn when the congregation and the practicing of the religion is treated as if it is a Broadway show, put on strictly for the entertainment of others. Boundaries could be drawn, but at the same time if you draw boundaries there is always a risk of being looked at as either racist or a separatist. Mrs. Williams states "How can it be that so many well-meaning white people have never thought about race when so few blacks pass a single day without being reminded of it" (pg. 28). This is a point well taken, the way race is presented and represented in the media is the way members of that race will be viewed. This chapter points out that in a time when film

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