
Self-Awaking And Identity In The Generation Of The Baby Boomer Age

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The “self” is an identity that is formed through an individual’s experiences and exploration throughout the course of their life; it is ever changing. In an individual’s discovery of their “self”, self-esteem, one’s confidence in their abilities as an individual or “self” can impact their level of happiness. As a result, an individual’s self-esteem in terms of performance, behavior, and body image can weaken or strengthen their emotional stability.
There is a lot of pressure to be that “self”, not only in present day, but also in the past, before the Baby Boomer era. Many people try to find themselves without knowing what a “self” is. A “self” as explained by Twenge, in the generation of the Baby Boom, is one’s journey of learning and getting to know who you truly are and is a new concept that arose when “social structures began to loosen and people started to make more choices for themselves….an autonomous, free person” (Twenge 488-4899). Twenge’s word choice such as, “loosen” and “free” creates a sense of awaking and freedom in the term “self”. A person is breaking out of an idealized image and becoming the “self”. However, Twenge’s argument that it has become “a new concept” fairly recently, is debatable. Self is an identity and it is not something that just popped up recently. People still struggle to find and express themselves, the only thing that has changed, are the societal norms and people’s decision to speak up about their true “self”. While trying to prove her

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