
Self Driving Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

For this Comparison Paper, if I was to do research I would have gone online to look for more in-depth information. I would have looked up, what benefits there are to self-driving cars and traditionally driven cars, then I would look up the cons for them as well. I know that there are many more interesting facts about them both that I am missing. I am not a huge car person, so I do not know a whole lot about them. Some people may enjoy the thought of a self-driving car, there are also people who enjoy driving their vehicle. People may think that having cars that drive themselves would be safer when others think that having control over their vehicle would be the safest way. They both get you to where you are going and from point A to point B, there are many ways to look at this. …show more content…

People have been in control of the vehicle for many, many years. Why change it now? I think that within the next 10-20 years self-driving cars will be the norm and it will be more common than a traditional car. Why should we go with driverless cars? They are convenient! Instead of watching the road you can enjoy reading a book or playing on your phone. It would be completely hands-free, you are completely dependent on your car to get you there. Most accidents are caused by drivers. With driverless cars the road will be controlled by technology, you will not have to worry about speed or other cars. They believe there will be fewer crashes this way. People who have had their license taken away because of age, vision impairments, or other issues would be able to “drive”

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