
Self Efficacy And Self Effectiveness

Decent Essays

Self-efficacy is generally defined as being a belief in one’s ability to perform a given task (Vancouver, Gullekson, Morse, & Warren, 2014). Overall, self-efficacy is concerned with a person’s subjective judgement of how well they are able to use their own abilities (Schunk, 1984). Due to this, self-efficacy is found to be a good predictor of one’s performance (Ouweneel, Schaufeli, & Le Blanc, 2013). However, self-efficacy is found to be context specific, meaning that it can change within short durations of time (Ouweneel, et al., 2013). There have been multiple studies that look at how a person’s self-efficacy can affect their performance on a task. Studies have shown that self-efficacy affects the amount of effort and perseverance that a person expends toward a task, with higher self-efficacy correlating to higher amounts of effort and persistence (Bandura, 1986, Ouweneel et al., 2013). Self-efficacy is thought to be linked to a person’s engagement because it leads to a higher willingness to expend more energy and more effort to finish a task (Ouweneel et al., 2013) However, one study actually showed a strong negative effect on effort and performance quality when the person has higher levels of self-efficacy (Vancouver et al., 2014). Many of these studies examine how feedback designed to manipulate a person’s self-efficacy specifically affects their performance on a given task (Bandura, 1986, Ouweneel, et al., 2013, Schunk, 1984, Vancouver et al., 2014). This was done

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