
Self-Harm Is A Result Of Severe Depression

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Self-harm is a result of severe depression and other mental conditions. Many people do self-harm as a source of relief or to cope with a problem. Some teens say that they hurt themselves to stop the feeling of loneliness, anger, or hopelessness. Mother Teresa quotes, “The most terrible poverty is loneliness, and the feeling of being unloved. Forms of self-injury are carving, scratching, branding, marking, picking and pulling hair and skin, burning, cutting, biting, head banging, bruising, hitting, tattooing, and excessive body piercing. Many teens do this in an act of desperation or anger to seek attention, to show their hopelessness and worthlessness, or because they have suicidal thoughts. Adolescents who have difficulty talking about their feelings may use this in a way to show how they feel. Teenagers may hide their self-injuries from the fear of embarrassment and being rejected and criticized by their peers. Parents can help stop this by talking to their child about respecting …show more content…

A very severe result of depression is suicide. Many teens feel so depressed that they consider taking their lives. Each day about 5,000 young people, from the ages 13-24, attempt to kill themselves. The rate of suicide has tripled since 1960 and is the second cause of death in 10-24 year olds. Four out of five teens show clear warning signs, but are not taken to treatment. Pay close attention to these warning signs in teens suicide threats, direct and indirect, obsession with death, writings referred to death, giving away of belongings, dramatic change in personality or appearance, irrational and bizarre behavior, overwhelming sense of guilt, shame, or rejection, changed eating or sleeping patterns,

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