
Self Reflection Paper

Decent Essays

Self-Reflection: I am Ethiopian. I was born and raised in Addis Abeba, Ethiopia. I belong to the Ethiopian community, not only in Ethiopia but also here in America. Finding Ethiopian friends who share the same interests as me, understand our culture, fluent in our languages, and plan on returning back to Ethiopia someday, has always been a struggle for me. Most of the Ethiopians who I meet are Americanized. When I was studying at Northern Illinois university, I was blessed to have a small circle of Ethiopians who grew up there. Spending time with them made me feel secure like I actually belonged. Lucky for me, I am also a part of the African community. There are 54 countries in Africa; however, there is an unbreakable bond amongst Africans around the world. We share the same identity and have the utmost love and respect for our continent and the people living there. I lived in Ethiopia for quite some time before given a chance to move to America. When I arrived in America, the only people that were around me were Caucasians. They did not look like me or act like me. I found this very difficult when I first came to America. I was jealous of my classmates because they spoke clear English, they had cars to get them to and from school, and they had nicer clothes than me. This exposure at such a young age was difficult. Because I spent many years in Ethiopia with people who looked just like me and acted like me, this taught me how different everyone really is.

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