
Selinker Approach To Interlanguage Analysis

Decent Essays Selinker Approach to Interlanguage

Selinker, (1972),used the name interlanguage to a developing system of the second languagelearners. The analysis of a learner's system of interlanguage shows that it has some features of the target language and some features of the first language.( Lightbown and Spada, 2013:43). It has been found to be systematic, but the it is also dynamic, continually developing whenever learners receive more input and revise his/her knowledge about the rules of second language (ibid:43).

According to Selinker, (1972), interlanguage is the systematic and temporary rules which are the product of five cognitive processes:

(1) Overgeneralization: Some of the rules of the interlanguage system may be the result …show more content…

Some of the components of the interlanguage system may result from transfer of specific elements via which the learner is taught the second language. (3) Strategies of second language learning. Some of the rules in the learner’s interlanguage may result from the application of language learning strategies ‘as a tendency on the part of the learners to reduce the target language (TL) to a simpler system’ (4) Strategies of second language communication. Rules of the interlanguage system rules may also be the result of strategies employed by the learners intheir attempt to communicate with native speakers of the target language. (5) Language transfer. Some of the rules in the interlanguage system may be the result of transfer from the learner’s first language. Selinker’s description of the interlanguage system has a cognitive emphasis and a focus on strategies the learners employ when learning a second language.
According to Selinker (1972) the speakers may share the same interlagnuage in a sense like mutual intelligibility among those of the same interlanguage. Moreover, Selinker(1972:214) sees that “the set of utterances for most learners of a second language is not identical to the to the hypothesized corresponding set of utterances which would have been produced by a native speaker of a target language had he attempted to express the same meaning as the …show more content…

He also distinguishes between the strategies of learning that learners use and the linguistic rules that are ‘crucially concerned in the actual form of the language system (ibid.).
Adjemian, (1976:300) explains that interlanguages can normally be used by the speakers in communicating each others.They have the same function of communication with natural languages. The feature of mutual intelligibility cannotbe regarded one of the characteristics that distinguishes interlanguages from other languages. Adjemian (1976:300) writes “Mutual intelligibility is an inherent property of interlanguages as a result of their being members of possible human languages.”
Adjemian (1976) confirms that the explanation of these grammatical rules that will explain the features of the learner’s grammar should be the primary goal of linguistic research. Tarone’s Approach of

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