
Senate Pros And Cons

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With it being the election time of the year I had done some research on one of the states in the united states. I have decided to to look into the candidates of Illinois. The candidates running for senator of Illinois are Mark Kirk and Tammy Duckworth. They both have been through many things to support and make the united states a better country.
Mr. Kirk is the current senator of the state of Illinois and has been in many position of the United States government. Before his job as the senator of the Illinois he was the part of the House of Representatives as the social moderate and fiscal conservative. Kirk is a republican that believes these issues should be fixed are Keeping family farms & small business in the family, keeping the Illinois Great Lakes clean, and fixing a huge flood that had happened in Illinois a few months ago. …show more content…

Duckworth is an opposing Candidate for the senator of Illinois. She is a veteran of the Iraq war and is an amputee because of the war. That is only one way that she has benefited and help the United States. Right now she is working in with the House of Representatives for Illinois 8th congressional district. Duckworth is a democrat the believes these issues need to be fixed lowering the coast of education and getting more people to get more education, making and providing more jobs, and accepting more Syrian refugees roughly 200,000.
Personally I believe that Tammy Duckworth will end up becoming the senator. She isn't getting more than 50 percent of the votes but she has been leading in the polls. She has just as much or even more experience and a different view on what Illinois needs to be fixed. Also most of Illinois is know for voting for the democratic

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