
Senior English Course Analysis

Decent Essays

Since the first day of this class, every aspect of this class has been a learning experience for me. As I have said before, my Senior English class was very thorough as far as teaching the basic rhetorical tools and the skills necessary to analysis a piece of writing, but coming to college, I lacked the skills needed to actually put those skills into practice in my own writing. My knowledge of revision and drafting was limited by my habits of only editing grammar or changing a few words to sound like I was academic or qualified. Even though a great deal of this course focused on the skills necessary to be an efficient and effective writer, the last portion of the course was very useful to the development of my skills as a writer. Through revision, I learned how to take unorganized jumble of ideas and claims and arrange them into a piece that makes a useful and compelling argument with a purpose in mind. I find it hard to admit it but I actually found that I enjoyed the satisfaction of revising my work and making it better. As a result of the thoroughness of this course in relation to the practice of writing about writing, I have learned a number of things that will be useful to me for the remainder of college and even beyond graduation. Through …show more content…

My biggest mistake that I discovered when revising was that I was too often just summarizing sources that fit my claim. To fix this, I had to think of how I would tie the different sources together with my personal opinions in order to develop a research argument that added to the conversation. I have already been able to use what I have learned about research in another class I have had this semester. My practice of adding my outlook rather than restating someone else’s has proved to be very important in every writing situation I have been in this

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