This class has made an immense contribution in my writing journey. Taking this course has brought me out of my comfort zone and made me immerse myself in a variety of essay topics I was not familiar with. This was all new territory for me, but I’ve managed to get through it and along the way I learned new techniques and writing styles. With the help of the Writing Hub, instructors and my peers I managed to grasp a great deal of information on ways to improve on my writing. They all helped me along the process of writing all three of the writing assignments. The very first assignment was writing the analysis paper on the article of “Making Climate Change Understandable”. I started off very confused especially because a new word was introduced to me, warrant. I was not confident with my analysis skills and now I had to include a warrant. In class worksheets and explanations by the instructor really helped me understand the prompt and structure of the paper. When I got to class one morning, most of the students had annotated the article when reading. I, on the other hand, had never even thought of annotating the text. I know it seems like such an obvious and essential task to do, however, the idea had never been suggested to me in my previous writing classes and unfortunately had not crossed my mind. Thus, that was one major tip I learned here. From there on out I began to annotate all assigned texts, which was major help during my writing process. Another
The toilsome component this semester was transitioning from being a high school level writer to a college-level writer. However, English 10 has by far been my best experience in writing. By taking this course I have retrieved many helpful elements, that will help me become a successful writer throughout college. In high school, essays often gave me stress and anxiety, however, when taking English 10, I was able to learn to enjoy the process of writing purposefully and mindfully. Even though, I have taken advanced placement English courses in high school and have taken a practice run of college level English over the summer with Professor Brenda Venezia, I was still able to retrieve a lot more from this course. To showcase my progress in
All through this course, I have taken in various systems for composing different sorts of essays. This class has truly enhanced my written work abilities; I can now effectively think of enough words, which was a major issue for me before this class. I couldn't have done these without the inside and out rules gave all through this class from the instructor's assignments and lecture notes.
At the start of this course, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had a goal for myself to improve and learn skills that would make writing less daunting for me. I have learned so many things about my writing that I didn’t think much about before. Another goal I had was to break the cookie-cutter mold that was set upon me throughout high school. During the process of revision, I discovered many things about myself as a writer and techniques that have been effective for me in the writing process.
From an early age I have been passionate about reading. Like seriously, when I was five years old I was upset that I didn’t get the newest Little Mermaid book for Christmas. However, I have never had an interest in writing. Unfortunately, as I plan to go to graduate school to obtain my Ph.D, I really cannot avoid it. Over the years, my lack of enthusiasm about writing has caused me to view most English classes as a chore, something I needed to do in order to advance to what I really wanted to do with my life. With the risk of sounding like a suck-up, this is one of the first English classes I have valued because I have felt like I improved some aspect of my writing in each essay.
As this semester comes to a close, I have become to realize how much I’ve grown as a writer. After taking this class, I have noticed that I have gained more and more of a voice in my writing. When faced with having to write about subjective topics, I have learned how to voice my opinions in papers in order to make them more effective. My writing has greatly evolved because of this class. Not only has it shown me I have to work on sentence variety, but it has also allowed me to work on word choice which is something I have always struggled with throughout my high school career. Struggling with how to put things into words as exactly how I see them has been a struggle for me throughout this course. Despite how much I’ve grown as writer, I have
A goal I have for myself in regards to this challenge, in this course and beyond, is to not get lost in the details and the wavering viewpoints and to find specific ideas and thoughts to focus on to help guide my papers to be more clear. I believe that I am a decent writer, but I can always get better and I believe learning how to focus on fewer points will make my essays stronger. But, with my skills now, I expect to clearly and successfully express my ideas to my professors and classmates through my papers and homework assignments. I hope, as my writing skills develop and progress, I will have a successful four years at Boston University and in my future
People have many ways that they write. Some do a process of doing drafts so they can look through, edit and make the paper better. Others will just write a paper and turn it in. My process consist of starting with making a thesis. Then from the thesis I create the topic sentences for the topic at hand. The best way to write the essay in a good format and have good detail in the writing I would write a paragraph a day. By doing that process it allows me to get what is needed out on the paper so none of the paragraphs are mixing content and making the paragraphs less structured. This process not only makes writing essays less stressful while also getting the paper done quickly.
In this course, I enhanced my reading and writing skills. Reading and analyzing stories allowed me to become a better critical thinker. Beside, Learning to review and identify errors with the help of my peers and my instructor improved the quality of my writing. Also, I gained valuable practice in evaluating the credibility of sources that I would include in my writing.Finally, I also want to thank this class since I become more confident in my writing and my reading abilities
Throughout the timespan of a semester could you improve your writing to where there would be noticeable differences? When writing for English 1010, I noticed that there was obvious weaknesses and minimal strengths or lack thereof in my writing abilities. In many ways I do believe that I was able to improve in areas pertaining to reading, thinking, researching, and writing.
From different courses and I have learned how to correct or elaborate my writing to the next step. I know that I have many more things to learn from viewing the discussions and with my professors and fellow classmate’s feedback. That has helped me to retain some of my new writing skills. I hope that throughout my future college career I can learn to utilize my time better as a student, because I know that it is a helpful way to prepare for the next big essay that I will have to write. Not only from my English course, but from my Government course as well, my professor has stressed the importance of citing the assignments. I know that citing assignments is necessary and I always try to give the proper credit to whom it belongs. I do need to work in my in-text citing, especially when what I am trying to cite has no
For this process reflection I am going to start with is what influences my writing and my process for writing. After that I will go a bit into what I’ve learned so far in the course and how that has add some influence on my writing as well. That being said isn’t all of our writing a reflection of ourselves? I’ll come back to that idea at the end if there’s room with this double spacing nonsense.
My writing processes nowadays have changed thank you to my English 100 level class at Arizona Western College, I feel more confident with my writing style. At the beginning of the class I was very confused with the writing process and the steps to make an essay. I had a difficult time developing an outline and putting together my ideas, so I was not able to write an essay with a good structure. In addition, my grammar was not the best, and some of my sentences were incomplete. During the class period I learned about grammar, how to write complete sentences, how to brainstorm and the importance of an outline. It has become easier for me to organize my ideas in order to develop a well-structured essay. An essay should contain a topic, one thesis, body paragraphs that support the thesis, and a conclusion. The thesis will tell the reader what is the writer purpose of the essay, the body paragraphs support the thesis and the topic sentences of each one. Least but not last, I learned the importance of a peer review, this process was very helpful in the class because I was able to receive constructive feedback from my classmates, and I was able to improve my papers with the suggestions that my classmates gave me on my drafts.
Over the past eight weeks, this course has required me to write more academic prose than I have at any time outside of high school. While my job has required writing long documents, they are almost always persuasive or technical documents. I now reflect on my daily reading and writing in a different way as a result of this class. I can see how I have grown even from the first week to today. In each of the assignments below I can see my own growth and learning.
Until starting this class, I never realized the limited knowledge I had on writing. The four assigned reading pamphlets and tutorials, while not very long, have enlightened me. This eye opening is not large, measured on what is to come, but the overall experience is dramatic so far.
Writing is a process through which a person communicates or presents his or her ideas in chronologically to different audiences. Writing is a challenge. When I was writing this paper, I encountered several problems in the writing process. Researching and gathering data was a challenge to me. I had to struggle to ensure that I have the best sources to use which will marry with the topic I was presenting.Also, coming up with the thesis statement was a challenge. I had to think about the thesis statement which my audience could agree with me and the one which agrees with the topic of discussion. Coherency and consistency were also a challenge while writing the paper. I had to ensure that my paper had a flow and the ideas which I presented were not mixed up. Equally, finding evidence to support my paper was a challenge to me. I had to come up with evidence that is widely recognizable, and my audience can concur with me. Citation of my sources was a big challenge. I had to ensure that I had followed the suggested MLA citation format and to make sure that my work had no plagiarism. Truly, writing is so challenging and demanding. To be a prolific and professional writer, one needs to be patient and flexible to accommodate the challenges.