
Separate Muslims From State Outline

Best Essays

Separate Muslims from State
Daniel M Elliott (Jr)
Nancy Segovia
September 20, 2014

Separate Muslims from State Outline
Throughout the depths of recorded history Muslims have constantly committed mass murders upon innocent people in the name of Islam. According to long established conventional Islamic views, Muhammad’s revelations start the Qur’an off in 610. Dating back to as early as 627, the Prophet Muhammad’s followers have been recorded of murdering large numbers of “non-believers” and even believers for that matter (Ye 'or, 1985). While researching wars declared in the name of Islam, the words “convert” or “die” (more often than not they surfaced together making the claim “convert or die”) surfaced exceedingly often. Despite the common belief imprinted into the minds of nearly every United States citizen/civilian whom attended or is attending public school with the U.S., oppressing a people based off of their religious beliefs has the ability to be beneficial to the world on a global scale. Muslims should not be allowed to act as political advocates considering Islam gives approval of segregation, provides obligations of the religions followers to commit senseless acts of violence, and because of the fact that Islam allows systematic lying as a religious policy. Throughout this research essay we will discuss facts in regards to traditional and modern Islamic ideology while deciding whether someone of such beliefs has a place in a position

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