
Serial Killer Research Paper

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Did you know that, in any given moment, there are an estimated twenty-five to fifty serial killers in the United States (Heigl)? These dangerous and deadly criminals meticulously plan and execute what they consider to be the perfect string of murders. This detailed planning is what makes them so difficult to catch. With the ever evolving killer, tracking and convicting these monsters has proven to stump police as well as FBI. However, with new technologies and tried and true methods, there may be hope for decreasing the nation's body count. Firstly, when attempting to catch a killer, you must identify your geographic location. While there are many different classifications of serial killers, part of a large majority of every serial killer's …show more content…

One of the most interesting aspects of catching serial killers is examining their psyche to determine their motivations, their classification, and underlying stressors that influence their behavior. This is called a behavior profile. Much like bloody fingerprints, no one serial killer is exactly like another. Classifications can vary from rage motivated killers to financially motivated killers to power/thrill killers. According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation, “regardless of motive, serial murderers commit crimes because they want to,” (Serial Murder). In Dahmer’s case, he kidnapped, strangled, raped, and dismembered seventeen young boys and men over the span of thirteen years. After being caught, he pleaded guilty due to insanity. The jury, however, saw him for what he was, a thrill driven serial killer thanks to the evidence of numerous trophies he kept to remember his victims. These trophies ranged from entire heads to mutilated genitals in jars (Jeffery Dahmer). Although Dahmer remained actively killing between 1978 and 1991, his past and repeated offenses before his killing spree would have been clear indicators of his underlying intentions. Through Dahmer’s active years, he had multiple close encounters with authorities that could have resulted in his capture had they been trained on behavioral profiling. By establishing his fascination with young boys and his repeated sex offenses, as well as his broken family and alcoholism, profiling Dahmer would have largely increased his chance of capture. Thankfully, we now have behavioral profiling as a method that the FBI and many investigators and police use today to pick out these killers in a crowded

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