
Serial Killers: Nature Vs. Nurture

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Next, the topic of Nature vs. Nurture is addressed according to serial killers. In an article from the FBI, the subject of how a serial killer is conceived is replied. The article focuses its findings around the question: Are serial killers born with predetermined genes that play an integral part in creating their homicidal tendencies or do psycho-killers become murderous through their surroundings as children (“Serial Killers: Nature vs. Nurture”)?
Grover Goodwin, who profiles serial killers, gathered information from one hundred and seven serial killers and their seven hundred and twenty- eight victims. From Goodwin’s examination, he found that nearly ninety percent of the victims were complete strangers to the killer and that only three percent were companions and only one percent was family. In an indistinguishable study by criminologist Eric Hickey, he assembled a database of nearly four hundred serial killers in which he found that eighty- four percent of the killers were male, twenty percent were African American, and that the first murder committed by a serial killer was at the average age of twenty- seven and a half years old (“Serial Killers: Nature vs. Nurture”). …show more content…

In 2000 a report that was published in Science by Dr. Richard Davidson compared brain scans of more than five hundred individuals between those who were prone to violence and those who were considered to be normal. The study found that the brain images of those who had been convicted of murder with aggressive or antisocial disorders demonstrated distinct brain activity compared to those who were viewed as ordinary. If this study is correct, then these murderers must have been born with a completely distinctive hereditary makeup than that of those in the majority of the population who are not violent. (“Serial Killers: Nature vs.

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