
Service Dogs Essay

Decent Essays

Animals, such as dogs have been service animals for a very long time, and helped many people that suffer from many diseases. But, dogs aren't the only service animal out there. There can be animals like reptiles that also can help people that are struggling with diseases and or disabilities. This is how animals can help us with our everyday lives in many unique ways.
Dogs help humans in many different ways. In the article “how the US military's use of dogs affects their mental wellbeing” by Ellen Briat, it talks about how dogs help people in the military. In the first paragraph it says “From 2008 to 2009, Gina served a six-month tour of duty in Iraq. She was tasked with going door to door and flushing insurgents out after US marines threw …show more content…

Yes, reptiles! Most service animals that are known to help humans are dogs. But reptiles such as snakes can also be very helpful for humans. They can also improve people's lives in very unique ways. In the a newspaper “Can a snake be a service animal?” by Nancy Bartley she states in the 3 paragraph “Redrock the boa, Greene says angrily, is a service snake who alerts him to pending seizures by giving him a hug.” This shows that reptiles such as snakes can be helpful because since he always has Redrock at his side his seizures won't be so unexpected because Redrock will help him and he would know not to get close to people. But if Redrock wasn't there his owner his seizures won't be that painful, which makes a snake a good service animal. Another reason why snakes can be a good service animal because Nancy states in the “The outcry was intense — with some 4,500 messages, more response than has been received for any other DOJ topic in recent memory, spokesman Alejandro Miyar said.” This shows that reptiles can be good or even great service animals because if reptiles can give medical attention to 4,500 people it shows how useful a reptile can be. After this event the president himself shut down DOJ before they could stop people to use reptiles as service animals. This shows how useful not only a snake but any reptile could be a service animal and make a positive change in a person's everyday

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