
Seven Story Form Essay

Satisfactory Essays

Apply the appropriate genre and story form with reference to any two of the films we have viewed. Please use the ‘Seven Story Form’ theory created by Denis Johnson. Discuss the limitations of this theory when applying it to the films chosen.
‘’Genre’ is a French word meaning ‘type’ or ‘kind’ […] Genre movies are those commercial feature films which, through repetition and variation, tell familiar stories with familiar characters in familiar situations.’ (Neale, 2001:9) This part of the essay will concentrate on the two films Notes on a Scandal, directed by Richard Eyre, and A Clockwork Orange, directed by Stanley Kubrick, categorizing their genre and story form and explaining the limitations of genre and form.
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In Notes on a Scandal, Barbara is obsessed with Sheba to the point that when Sheba fails to meet her demands, she betrays her trust. Barbara is a lonely spinster and manages to form a close friendship with Sheba. However, the film can also be seen as circe, as Sheba is being pursued throughout the film, both by Steven and by Barbara – and one could argue even the teacher who is attracted to her.
The genre of Notes on a Scandal could be argued to be a crime drama – as criminal activity has occurred. However, many crime dramas centralise on the crime and the resulting consequences of the crime. Since Barbara is the protagonist – and she is not the character committing crimes, the film does not concentrate on this. Thus, the film can be seen as a generic drama story.
Moving on to A Clockwork Orange, the film’s plot focusses on the protagonist Alex Delarge in a dystopian Britain. Alex is a young adolescent boy whose passions include rape, ultra-violence, and Beethoven. Alex and his gang, at the beginning, they have ‘milk’ which is laced with drugs, and attack a writer, and rape his wife. The writer they attack ends up disabled for life. After a fight with his gang, Alex breaks into a woman’s home and murders her, and subsequently is sentenced to fourteen years in prison. After two years in prison, Alex signs up for some aversion therapy which is said to guarantee a release from prison. He is forced to

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