
Seven Year Dental Program Research Paper

Decent Essays

UDM 7-Year Program Essay Mature, Ethical, and Empathetic for everything in life; service-oriented and well-rounded in all subjects; and academically curious and understanding of the dental profession is what’s important to become a successful dentist. I am well-qualified for the Seven Year Dental program at University of Detroit Mercy because I encompass all of these qualities and have applied them throughout all my life. Maturity enables us to handle situations in a confident and sophisticated way. When I was in a gym class as a high school freshman, I was graded on my timed performance on a mile run. For the first few times, I could not run the mile under that time limit and got grades that did not adequately reflect my overall academic abilities. Instead of being saddened by my subpar performance, I acted mature and fixed the problem by rigorously running after school.
In addition to maturity, the qualities of empathy and ethicality are important in dentistry because they allow us to communicate with patients in a polite manner and give them the proper treatment by understanding their feelings better. These qualities are two major pillars of a community that I belong to. This community is formally known as Sabarkantha Leuva Patel …show more content…

This is because it allows us to accurately solve issues regarding many different topics (e.g. financial, technological, and medical). I not only excel in academics but also participate in the following groups and clubs: National Honor Society, Environmental Club, and Varsity Quiz Bowl. Furthermore, I have worked at Little Caesars for two years. Doing all of these things has made me become a more managed and organized person in general. The occupation of a dentist will require me to do many things besides dental activities. However, my experience from these activities will allow me to handle outside problems more easily and work more efficiently and

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