PER REPORTER: The parents (MacKenzie & Jeremy) are severe drug addicts, especially MacKenzie. Cooper is in the home with her all day. The parents are using marijuana, Xanax, and crystal meth. It is unknown if it's being used around the children. Reporter doesn't believe the drugs are accessible to the children. About a month ago, Cooper was burned with a curling iron due to not being supervised. MacKenzie was passed out on drugs. There was no medical attention needed. Drugs are not being sold or manufactured out of the home reporter is aware of. Reporter is not sure if the children are bathed. They are clothed. They are not being fed adequately. They are not starving or malnourished. There are working utilities at the home. MacKenzie's car
R/s Harley is a former drug user, she is selling sex toys out of the home. R/s the family lives in a 3 bedroom home, and Leeanna (5), Jenna (2), and Dominik (3) sleep in one bedroom together. R/s it was reported that Leeanna sleeps on a stained foam pad. R/s there is excessive drinking in the home. R/s dad has not taken the children the doctors since 2013. R/s 2-year-old Jenna has asthma, not receiving medical treatment. R/s Leeanna gets in the crib with Jenna to comfort her because Daryl doesn’t check on the children. R/s Daryl doesn’t give the children medicine that they are prescribed. R/s reportedly Harley is hitting Jenna. R/s reportedly Daryl will pop the children in their mouth if they lie. R/s the children are not happy living with
PER REPORTER: Mom attends drug court and they haven't had any problems with her since February 2015, up until recently. After mom had a baby, she had half of her bladder removed and got on pain medications. Mom said she took them twice on a particular day as prescribed. On October 17th, mom was positive for opiates. Mom said she had a prescription but the reporter didn't see it. Mom said she took lortab for the pain. Mom was also positive for methamphetamine. Mom said she went to the store and left Eli with her mother. Mom said she ran into a friend and used meth by either smoking, snorting, or shooting it up. To the reporter's knowledge, there are no drugs used around the child. Drugs are not being sold or manufactured out of the home to the
Per Reporter: Ruben has primary custody of the child. According to Ruben, the mother (Marquita) has only visited the child once. Ruben curses the child on a regular basis. Ruben has talked about using drugs (cocaine & marijuana). There is a drug dealer (unknown) in and out of the home; the drug dealer has been witnessed at the family’s home for the past three days. The drugs are not manufactured/sold. It is unknown if the drugs are accessible to the child. Rueben has been under the influence around the child; however, Ruben has not been seen using the drugs. Ruben purchase chemical (unknown) to pass a drug test. On 7/26/17, the child stated that he was sick. Ruben ignored and attempted to force the child to eat. The child didn’t have an appetite
This is a Level 3 Unit which means that bullet pointing you answer is only acceptable when stated. All other answers need to be detailed and in a narrative format.The sizes of the boxes are not indicative of the size of your answer required to meet the national standards. Keep the formatting consistent with the original document. This helps to demonstrate your IT skills.Use spell check on your computer and check your grammar. This will provide evidence for your level 2 literacy which is recommended for a Level 3 award.
PER REPORTER: The mother is on drugs. She is using crystal meth but they don't believe it's being used in the home. There are no drugs being sold or manufactured out of the home. Drugs are not accessible to the children. When the mother goes missing a day or so, she is doing crystal meth. About 2-3 weeks ago, the parents were given a drug test. The mother failed. She was told if she failed again, she had to leave the home. The parents are divorced. The father has full custody of the children.The mother gets visitation with the children possibly every other weekend but mom lives the the home. The father allowed the mother to come back to the home. The family has an open case. Per reporter, the mother left last night going to an AA meeting in
CALL TAKEN BY MEKADA EASTERLING…ENTERED BY DEIRDRE BULLIE: The reporter stated Seth came to the hospital and tested positive for meth amphetamines and amphetamines. Seth told the reporter he and Heather both use meth the morning of his admission. Both parents have history of using and there is previous DHS history. Seth told the reporter Heather bought the meth and someone mixed bath salt in his and he just took it. There were three separate bags to use this morning and Heather gave Seth one and it’s unknown what she had in her bags. The drugs are not sold or manufactured in the home but the drugs are used in the home while the children are present. Seth appeared paranoid while talking with the reporter. Per the reporter, the children may
One in three Americans are prescribed opioids from their doctor. Once someone is prescribed a medication and take it daily, as told to do so by the doctor, it is extremely easy to become dependent on the pills. Dependency on a drug means that the body physically craves it and may experience withdrawals when the prescription is stopped. Addiction characterizes as a mental need for the drug. The behavior changes and abusing the medication will begin.
Millions of people throughout the world are taking drugs on a daily basis. If you were to ask someone why they take prescription drugs, most people would be taking them for the right reason. However, it’s estimated that twenty percent of people in the United States alone have used prescription drugs for non-medical reasons.1 Prescription drug abuse is a serious and growing problem that often goes unnoticed. Abusing these drugs can often lead to addiction and even death. You can develop an addiction to certain drugs that may include: narcotic painkillers, sedatives, tranquilizers, and stimulants.1 Prescription drugs are the most common abused category of drugs, right next to marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and
The state of Massachusetts has been fighting a vicious battle with the spread of opioid addiction. Heroin and other opioid drug related addicts have formed a very negative outlook of themselves. A great deal of people view addicts as classic criminals. Addiction is an actual mental illness, something that the addict cannot control. Treating these struggling individuals as criminals is an unnecessary and cruel punishment. The state of Massachusetts needs to break the stigma that all opioid addicts are criminals and starting viewing opioid addiction as a serious mental illness.
es and non-prescription drug abuse among minors with the misguided insight that their use is safer than the illegal drugs. Through an online survey, the researchers collect data on the issue and correlate with specific variables such as community stigma, apparent risk and the access to the drugs. The authors discover a positive correlation. This study will aid in gaining an in-depth understanding of the exact nature of relation between community stigma, apparent risk and the access to the drugs to drug abuse in the society. It will serve as viable literature in identifying the various ways and procedures to limit and observe the access of these drugs to adolescents. 2. Goebel, J. R., Compton, P., Zubkoff, L., Lanto, A., Asch, S. M., Sherbourne,
For this week’s essay, my topic is prescription drugs, drug addiction, etc. Prescription drugs are just as bad as illegal drugs in my opinion. Once hooked on them a person can possibly die, be scarred for life, or hurt their brains which could affect the way they live. Having an addiction controls you and when you are controlled by something as strong as some prescription drugs, your life is in danger. I think one of the main problems is that doctors give these medicines out to easily. They aren’t cautious enough to who they give them to. The more patients are prescribed the more they will feel they cannot lie without them and get hooked on
The reporter sees the children outside the home. The reporter sees how mom treats the children. Mom yells at them. She hits them upside their head and pinch them. It's unknown why mom treats them this way. The reporter is not sure if they have marks or bruises. The reporter didn't examine the children. There are guys in and out of the home. There is smoking and drugs around the children. The report saw mom smoking. Mom was doing drugs with an unknown guy. According to the reporter, the drugs smelled like marijuana. The reporter also saw mom put something clear up her nose. The children were around. The reporter tried to get them to go outside so they could be from around the drugs. The reporter is not fond of all the activity and went outside
The very same items a doctor prescribes to help people get well might be making them sick. Prescription drugs are being taken for reasons other than the ones they are being prescribed for, fueling an addiction that impacts as many as 48 million Americans ("Prescription Drug Abuse" WebMD). According to MedLinePlus, "an estimated 20 percent of people in the United States have used prescription drugs for nonmedical reasons. This is prescription drug abuse." While a considerable amount of time, resources, and attention are focused on the problems associated with illicit drugs, prescription drug abuse is "an increasing problem," with very serious consequences for individuals, families, and communities (MayoClinic Staff). The United States Office of National Drug Control Policy claims, "Prescription drug abuse is the Nation's fastest-growing drug problem, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has classified prescription drug abuse as an epidemic." Because prescription drugs are viewed as safe due to their being part of the doctor's pharmacopeia, the same psychological, legal, ethical, and social barriers to abuse might not be present. However, prescription drug abuse creates a wide range of problems, including dangerous or lethal side effects, long-term addiction, and the dismantling of family and community
Is drug addiction is a disease, not a choice? Or it is a choice and not a disease? Drug Addiction has become a serious issue in society today, with an increase in controversy leading towards the topic of whether drug addiction is a disease or a choice. Addiction and disease are two different things and understanding them is very important when it comes to drugs and how it affects the mind and body. Several people tend to jump the gun and think that drug addiction is a disease, when in fact it is a choice. Some scientists believe that that drug addiction is a disease and to an extent that it makes people powerless to control its prevalence, on the other hand some scientists believe that addiction is a choice and that people have
They speed up the action of the brain. They make people feel more alert, more confident and less tired.