
Sex In The Media Essay

Decent Essays

Sex is something that almost everyone will experience before they die. It is a subject that has been debated about for years. From the debate over birth control to the outbreak of aids. With all this history behind us, sex is becoming even more of an issue. With the new outbreaks of sexually transmitted diseases and the fact that sexually active persons are becoming younger, sex has now become a daily topic. Sex scandals in the media and talk such as 'who slept with who at last night's keg party' are making these daily conversations apparent in high schools, middle schools, and in a lot of cases grade schools. As the saying goes 'monkey see monkey do' one can only assume that this concept will pertain to these easily influenced …show more content…

By buying the product they feel that they can become ?sexy? also. Music videos are also very explicit in the way they elude to sexual activity. This not only brings out natural curiosities in young viewers but also portrays sex as something casually enjoyable ignoring the consequences therein.

Although the media portrays sex as something that is cool and fun and something that can be taken lightly, sex does have some real consequences which are nether cool nor fun as well as something that can make lasting scars on a person?s life. The consequences that can happen when one becomes sexually active can be both emotional as well as physical. On the emotional side of becoming sexually active, often times young people are not ready for the stress that goes along with becoming emotionally attached to their partner. Not many would argue against the feeling that when you have sex with someone you give them a piece of your ?heart?, you become one with that person and in turn, often times become attached to them. Some emotional effects of being sexually active can be life changing. One thing we deal with in our society today is a large amount of teen pregnancies. When a young woman becomes pregnant, it puts a huge amount of stress on her. She is faced with many decisions such as abortion, adoption, or making enough money to raise the baby herself. This baby will change her life, furthermore many young women?s bodies

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