
Sex, Lies, And Hook Up Cultures

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Everyone knows that hook-ups are in and what to expect for sex, right? I get the impression that everyone puts up this front that makes him or her seem smart about sex and hook-ups, but realistically they are faking it till they make it. As I read through this article, “Sex, Lies, and Hook-up Cultures” by Donna Freitas, I realized there are so many rumors about sex and hook-ups that the younger generation doesn’t honestly know the truth about sex. Donna Freitas, a professor, took the time surveying college students about religion and sex at their college. She discovered how most students lie about sex and many of them are trailing into the ways of casual sex. Freitas realized how many students are pressured into hooking-up with others and what the culture of hooking-up means to other students. Shockingly, she found how more students were willing to have sex with someone then to ask him or her out on a date. Catholics, especially were shown to have no knowledge about what having sex means in their religion along avoiding it in their faith. Freitas also talked about how more students are accepting of having sex with their partner than to actually have a full conversation about sex with them. A key point I found interesting in this article is how one would describe the meaning of “hooking-up”. Through Freitas’ studies, she came to the conclusion “that a hook-up is an sexually intimate activity” (13). She also noted how this could mean a simple kiss or making out to having

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