
Sex Trafficking Essay

Decent Essays

Sex, drugs, abuse and death. These are just a few things someone who was trafficked would see in there new life. Some token from their homes, tricked by love or by promises in to this world of pain. However the truly unfortunate are the ones born into this life. Knowing nothing else but pain and misery. Men, women, and child are all victims to this abuse, rape and death. Prostitution, child labor and trafficking are the main activities that goes on during the secretive, yet well-known topic. Human trafficking comes in all sorts of forms. Men are mainly involved as the traffickers those they can be victims. Women who are trafficked are normally use for sexual uses. It’s not often you’ll see them as anything else. Now young girls who are in …show more content…

The mothers of the ones born into this life can be the poor victims of sexual abuse, rape, or prostitution. Although these children were born into a life of pain some get a chance at happiness through adoption. These children can be used for only adoption and get put with a very loving family who couldn’t have children (Child Trafficking). Now just because they were adopted doesn’t mean it’s into a loving home with a family who could have children of their own. Nerveless, they could have been adopted for slavery. Now this slavery could come in forms of a house slave, or as a merchant seller. Although, some children have to endure something no child should ever have to, sexual abuse. This could include entertainment values, rape, and sexual practices. Now these children who are involved in this situation are usually young children (Child Trafficking). Now, getting these children isn’t as easy as snacking them up and walking away. These children not only come into contact to this abuse but they have many other dangers. This can come in ranges from illness, injury, addiction, and even death. In order to save these victims can involve stopping the traffickers and identifying their most likely victims (Child Trafficking).Some organizations have even started to get these children out. United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) have hopes to one day stopping this horrific national

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