
Sexism In A Thousand Splendid Suns

Decent Essays

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini is a high-quality novel that should be continually read for years to come in English II classes at Cannon School. This book is not only an enjoyable read for students, but it also teaches students lessons and helps them improve their abilities with literary devices. Almost all of my classmates and friends who read A Thousand Splendid Suns this year in English II agreed that it is a genuinely enjoyable book to read. Some have even told me that it is a novel that they may have read outside of class had it not been assigned this year. A Thousand Splendid Suns is a novel that keeps the reader on the end of his/her seat, makes the reader think deeply, and stimulates emotions in the reader. Moments such as when Rasheed was prepared to kill Laila and Mariam was forced to grab a shovel and, “... hit …show more content…

These two big ideas were sexism and poverty. One of the best quotes that represents sexism in the novel is when Nana says, “‘... Like a compass needle that points north, a man’s accusing finger always finds a woman’”(7). This quote that is mentioned towards the beginning of the novel proves to be true throughout the book. Originally when I started reading this book, I thought that the issues of poverty and sexism were mainly Afghani problems. Although, after we discussed these ideas in class, I realized that these issues are not only Afghani issues but human issues in general. I believe that A Thousand Splendid Suns is the perfect way to open up students’ eyes to issues that we may have dismissed or not paid any attention to. The enjoyment factor and the lessons that are to be learned from this book make it a fantastic book to read in one’s free time, but what makes it such a good novel to read for an English class? The novel’s exceptional use of literary devices is the answer you are looking

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