
Sexism In Finland

Decent Essays

Finland’s government and the U.S’s government have many surprising laws that not everyone knows about. However, the rights in both countries aren’t so surprising, in fact, both countries have similar rights. One thing that is not similar is the country's laws. They both have completely different laws compared to each other. Another thing that is also completely opposite is the military. In all, Finland and the U.S have distinct opposites in their government.
The rights in Finland and the U.S aren’t so different after all. In both countries, the sexism can be outrageous. 20% of homicides in Finland are because of women being killed by their partners. 38% of women in Finland are also being abused by their male partners. This percentage is twice the average rate of abuse in all of Europe! In comparison, 34% of homicides in the U.S are because of women being killed by their partners, and 85% of the women living in the U.S are being abused. However, in Finland, 56% of men have been abused in their life, and 2.4% of murders are because of males being killed by domestic violence. In the U.S, 15% of males are being abused, and only 2.5% of murders are because of males being killed by their partners. So sexism doesn’t just run with females, it can also follow males. However, another gender equality problem both countries have is the salary of men and women. In Finland, female teachers make $33,324 dollars a year, while male teachers make $34,022 dollars a year. In the U.S, female teachers earn $47,583 dollars, …show more content…

One thing, however, that is not different is the rights in both countries. The rights are almost identical. However, the laws in Finland are somewhat distinct from the U.S, but there are some similarities. On the other hand, the military is greatly different. So if you are looking for a country who has better pay for teachers, and the military, choose to live in the U.S. In the U.S, people also have more

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