
Sexism In The Help

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In a sexism stricken society there are drawbacks that affect women every day of their lives. According to men, about 56% of them think sexism is no longer an issue (Source). Today, sexism is still a threat to women of all over the world. Kathryn Stockett, the author of The Help, addresses sexism to make the time period genuine to the reader. The sexism in Stockett’s book is brought forth indirectly. Stockett uses two of her main protagonists as an example on how sexism affects women and the roles they are supposed to play. Sexism is a practice that is detrimental to women, entices violence, and creates a social barrier between the sexes.
To begin with, women often find themselves in adverse situations that they have no control over. Skeeter …show more content…

The two kinds of violence women encounter are domestic violence and sexual harassment. Yes, men can experience these, but not to the degree that women have. In The Help, Minny has to face her husband, who is an alcoholic, and makes the tough decision to stay for her babies. Minny is a stubborn, yet strong woman and when Aibileen, the other maid sees, “that big bruise on her arm [be]cause that’s what Leroy do[es] when he comes home from work. He pushes her around” (Stockett 215), Aibileen hopes Minny chooses to say something about her situation. For someone who faces marital abuse, Minny thinks that nothing can be done because most likely the cops will side with her husband and her situation will just get worse over time. Stockett uses Minny’s character as the comedic relief, but also as a woman who has been harmed by the traditional sexist population. Many victims of domestic abuse and sexual harassment choose to say nothing, since a woman’s pleas mean little to nothing unless there is evidence of the abuse happening. In brief, this is a way a sexist society harms a woman and makes them feel less than what they …show more content…

Comparing today’s society to the society in The Help, jobs were only offered to women who fit the look of a petite, feminine woman and nowadays people are hired for the amount of experience they had. Stockett emphasizes the gender barrier many women experience during the time period she depicts in her book. In the beginning chapters when Miss. Skeeter is looking for a job she encounters a, “squat, single column under HELP WANTED: FEMALE” (Stockett 68), in the daily paper implying there is a limit of jobs that women can work. Most of them happened to be secretary positions. This is not only hurtful to women who do not fit the conventional stereotype of a woman, but to women who want to change their world even if it means baby steps. Men are always offered, “at least four columns filled with bank managers, accountants, loan officers, cotton collate operators. On this page, Percy & Gray, LP, is offering Jr. Stenographers fifty more cents an hour” (Stockett 69), additionally adding to the notion that men have more job opportunities and make more money. The way that sexism plays its role in society make it seem like there is no way of overcoming this obstacle faced by women. Breaking the large social boundary that women should play house while the men watch television is happening in real life in today’s time. All thing considered, women today are being more than a simple housewife, they are

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