
Sexual Abuse In The Film Precious

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In the film Precious, Claireece "Precious" Jones, age 16, lives in an abusive household, where she suffers abuse (physical, sexual, emotional/mental, and verbal) on behalf of both of her parents, Mary and Carl Jones. Precious mother, Mary, would allow Carl to sexually abuse Precious since the age of three. Mary also sexually abused Precious as well, although it was not visually seen in the film Precious, but it was discussed in the literature Push by Sapphire and implied in the film Precious (Daniels, 2009; Sapphire, 1996). Her mother was the main perpetrator causing physical danger and harm to Precious, verbally abusing Precious, and emotionally and mentally causing Precious to feel worthless and good for nothing. Precious had to endure many struggles out of fear, but she eventually had the bravery to disclose her abuse.

The first of these that occurred to Precious was the sexual abuse, that she endured on behalf of her father, Carl Jones, beginning at the age of three. Sexual abuse, according to Crosson-Tower (2014), is defined as "sexual …show more content…

In the film, the first initial physical abuse that was recollected by Precious, was in the instance where she was in labor with Mongoloid, her daughter, and her mother Mary physically kicked and abused her on the kitchen floor. The other examples of physical abuse Precious endured were when Mary threw a pan at Precious head, while Precious washed dishes, and knocked her out of consciousness. Mary also became enraged, when the principal of the school attempted to visit their home and physically beat up Precious, after verbally insulting her. Precious was also beaten up by Mary, after she delivered her second child, Abdul Jones, due to Mary throwing Abdul on the floor, out of anger and jealousy. Mary also attempted to drop a television set on top of Precious and Abdul, but Precious avoided the television set and left the

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