
The Movie `` Precious ``

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In Chapter 5 of the textbook, it states “child abuse or maltreatment constitutes all forms of physical and/ or emotional ill-treatment, sexual abuse, neglect or negligent treatment or commercial or other exploitation, resulting in actual or potential harm to the child’s health, survival, development of dignity in the context of a responsibility, trust, or power” ( Pg. 130). The movie “Precious”, which is an adaptation of the novel “Push” by Sapphire, touches on every aspect of this definition of child abuse, and although this is a movie, unfortunately it is a reality for 6 million children in America. Any part of this movie at any given time can relate to any aspect of child abuse, but I have chosen specific parts for specific examples. From the very beginning of the movie, anyone can see the abuse that was going on, but the first line that stuck in my mind for a long time after the scene was gone is when Precious started the new alternative school and when asked to state her name and something about herself she replied,” I have never spoken in class before”. She was then asked by her teacher how that made her feel and she said, “this class makes me feel, here”. That statement in itself sums up one of the major effects of child abuse. Precious at 16, has never felt loved and this in turn has affected her emotional and psychological health. For someone to say that they feel, “here”, it’s like them saying that they suddenly feel present, visible and that they suddenly

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