
Sexual Assault On College Campuses

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The endless news stories regarding sexual assaults on college campuses reinforce that there is a lack of safety among students and support towards the victims. One reason that sexual assault rates remain high is because many schools are in denial that there is an issue. The molestations are unwanted and forced upon by an individual or group. The most common form of sexual assault is rape. The attacks can occur at any time of the day, but a majority of sexual assaults take place at parties, where alcohol and drugs are involved. Predators may take advantage of a person through date rape drugs or peer pressure that can lead to alcohol blackouts. Statistics say that every 2 minutes an American is being sexually assaulted. This issue has been around for decades and laws have been implemented. Unfortunately, there are an average of 288,820 victims each year …show more content…

A current solution to help decrease the number is that some colleges nationwide are offering self-defense classes. Students are able to learn martial arts techniques to better protect themselves against sexual predators. The Rape Aggression Defense System (R.A.D) is a course that can earn college credit. (Self-defense). The issue with R.A.D is that male students do not benefit from this program because it is exclusively for females. This class can be beneficial but, often times the trainings become useless when students are intoxicated. The martial arts techniques they learn will not be helpful if they can’t fight off a person who is forcing themselves onto them. A statistic by The White House Task Force to protect students from sexual assault, reveals that one in five college students experience sexual assault during their college years (Realities). Sexual assaults on college campuses affect the lives of

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