
Sexual Assault in the Marine Crops Essay

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This famous playwright Shakespeare once said, “By your entrances and exits shall ye be known.” General Amos became the Marine Corps’ 35th Commandant in 2010, taking the helm as fiscal storm clouds darkened the horizon. His leadership, always attentive to the welfare of the Corps and his Marines, focused keenly on the future: budget cuts, force structure reductions, the balance of operational and family readiness in the shadow of intense operational tempo, and the pending drawdown from the wartime footing of a service more than a decade at war. General Amos faced an additional challenge: one not previously addressed on the scale required to be useful as a historical reference. The challenge is that of sexual assault: a challenge that …show more content…

It was not enough. In 1996, the United States Army investigated and substantiated allegations that uniformed instructors at Aberdeen Proving Ground had sexually assaulted and raped female trainees under their charge. In 2003, the United States Air Force Academy substantiated claims of rape and sexual assault conducted by and against students at the Academy. In 2012, an investigative documentary entitled The Invisible War, chronicled the problem of sexual assault and harassment within the U.S. Military. The documentary sparked rage at the military’s handling of sexual assault cases, victims, and alleged assailants. The film portrayed the military as an environment in which 20% of servicewomen are a victim sexual assault: a culture that protects the alleged assailant and condemns the victim. The investigations mentioned above were not the “one of a kind” event that characterized “Tailhook.” The Department of Defense Annual Report for Sexual Assault reveals the scope of the problem of sexual assault and harassment in the military. In the Pentagon’s 2012 report, the Marine Corps’ numbers gashed the soul of a service that prides itself on its core values of Honor, Courage, and Commitment. The report revealed that 10% of female Marines were the victim of unwanted sexual contact, documenting 333 unrestricted reports and an additional 102 restricted reports of

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