
Sexual Conduct In The Victorian Era

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1. Based upon these documents, what constituted proper sexual conduct in the Victorian era? Proper sex lifestyles were treated very strictly in the Victorian era, sex before marriage was forbidden and even after marriage, sex was only for procreation. Sex was not to be mentioned within friend groups, and it was as if sex was just something that had to happen within married couples. Urination was renamed to “passing water” and not even the bathroom was a clean enough word as it was referred to as the “Water Closet”. The moralists thought that sex was not to be for pleasure, and if there were acts of intercourse, it was only to satisfy the husband in a marriage. Women of the Victorian era were to “lay back and think of England.” I think that …show more content…

In the Victorian era, sex was focused on the procreation and passing on alleles, sex was not to be pleasurable at all, and doctors often said that the luckiest women were the ones who didn’t feel pleasure from intercourse. Controlling one’s self was looked at as “cardinal virtue” (which means the principals for morality) by Protestant societies. If a man or woman can control themselves sexually, they can be a be a better Christian with a better conscience. If a young woman or girl has sexual fantasies or intercourse, she cannot be saved by a preacher because she was too impure at such a young age. This conflicts with science, because although a girl has sex, she is not branded a bad person. Scientifically, you are no worse of a person than the person sitting next to you, if you are judging from how many sexual partners she does or doesn’t have. Also conflicting against science, the religious belief that sex is for only “high and holy and honourable” reasons” makes intercourse seem as if it can, and should, only happen when a couple is married, has never had sex before, and without pleasure for only the end product being a child. Contrary to the Christian belief, sex releases endorphins, sex can reduce pain, make someone happier, feel better, and sex can also be a great way to connect with a partner. I would like to see the Victorians reasoning that sex can lead to insanity or death, because in the modern days I have science to back me up proving that it will

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