
Sexual Orientation And Dual Income Couples

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Brashier, Hughes, and Cook pointed out there is a difference between lesbian and heterosexual couples. The want to measure the wellbeing, social support, and satisfaction of dual income couples that is either lesbian or heterosexual. There are not a lot of previous studies on this subject, but they found that heterosexual women tend to do all the household chores, while lesbian households divide the chores. Lesbian women experienced less conflict than heterosexual women. Friends are more important than family for lesbian couples, but it’s the other way around for heterosexual couples. The hypothesis for this is that lesbians who have dual incomes would experience greater domestic communication than heterosexual women in dual income …show more content…

To test work-family and family-work conflict, Netemeyer, Boles and McMurrian’s five item scales for each category was used and this scale asked certain set of questions and rated them from strongly agree to strongly disagree. To test domestic communication, the subjects were given Hawkins, Marshall, and Allen’s Orientation Toward Domestic Labor Questionnaire, it tests effective communication about domestic labor was used to determine fairness; it is rated from a scale from one to four. Higher scores indicated greater communication. There were one hundred and thirty two heterosexual women who returned the survey and 112 lesbian women participated but had a higher response rate. Women were surveyed from eleven different states. These states was Georgia, Ohio, New Jersey, Louisiana, Florida, Indiana, Illinois, Texas, California, Alabama and Washington. Most surveys were returned from the state of Georgia. The average age for heterosexual women was forty five and the average age for lesbian women was thirty seven. There were mostly white women who participated having eighty one percent for heterosexual and seventy nine percent for lesbian women. Heterosexual women had to be in a dual n income marriage where both spouses worked more than part time. Lesbian women had to been in a relationship for at least one year and both

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