
Sexuality In Spain

Satisfactory Essays

hroughout this comparative essay between the United States and Spain I will be focusing on a number of themes by covering their past and their progression towards its current day standing in these societies. The themes covered will be marriage and casual sex, gender roles and expectations, and religion and its influence on sexuality.

To start things off I will be talking about the history of marriage and casual sex in the US during this past century and its key events starting with Dr. Kinsey. Considered one of the most iconic figures when it came to human sexuality, he was one of the first to openly express and talk about sexuality in the US, during a time that sex was taboo and a topic with false information. The Kinsey Reports worked as a sort of catalyst and father for the sexual revolution in the 1960’s and 1970’s which also lead to sexuality based research and surveys to be conducted. With the Sexual Revolution came …show more content…

It wasn’t until the 1990’s that sexual activity peaked for both sexes and started to decline for both men and women, however more for men (McAnulty & Burnette, 104). As time progressed, the median age at which women had sex for the first time decreased from 19 in the 1960’s to 17 in the 1990’s (105).
With casual sex becoming more socially acceptable in the US, we see the effect it has on marriage and cohabitation. Because premarital sex started to become more popular in the US, it was found that the median age for first time marriage rose from 22.8 to 26.8 years for men and 20.3 to 25.1 years for women (105). Another effect of having sex before marriage was the idea and lifestyle of cohabitation, something that was seen a lot less than today. Since the 1970’s, cohabitation has risen 6 times in the 1990’s from 2% to 12% (105-106), and is probably a lot higher with current

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