
Shah Mohammad Reza's Decision To Nationalize The Iranian Oil Industry

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During the late 1970’s to the early 1980’s, Iran went through a great revolution. It was during this time that the Shah Mohammad Reza was forced out of power. At the beginning of Mohammad Reza’s rule, he faced very few issues. However, once the Prime minister of Iran made the decision to nationalize the oil industry of Iran the problems began. Prior to this, the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company brought in great profits to Britain. Not only did it hinder their international relations, Shah Mohammad Reza saw this as a threat to his power. Shah Reza decided that in order to ensure that he would remain in power, he must take out the prime minister. This decision was a questionable one because the public held great favor for the prime minister. Together with the CIA, Shah Mohammad Reza took …show more content…

His idea that conflict, no longer stemming from economic ideological differences, would now stem from differences in tradition and culture was in part correct. In broad terms, this is where much conflict comes from. Cultural differences lead to clashes of nations. Where traditions are rubbing together in adjoining nations, this is a fault line for conflict. Much like an earthquake fault line, there is constant tension, and while there may not be an earthquake, there is a threat of it erupting. However, Huntington was also incorrect. In his effort to group people together to show where conflict would truly happen, he was much too broad. He addresses a source of conflict, but not the only source of conflict. He puts much broader groups together that also hold different opinions, such as grouping the West together and grouping the Islamic world together. According to Huntington “the West versus the Rest” (39), although there are many more worlds and many more conflicts than just the West and everyone else. The Islamic world is too large to group together as a singular group, especially when there is such great conflict of Shia’s and

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