
The Cold War Was Easy : Capitalism Vs. Communism

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The Cold War was easy: Capitalism vs. Communism, West vs. East, Good vs. Evil… however you wanted to define it, the dichotomy was simple to understand. When the Soviet Union officially dissolved in 1991, the New World Order was going to be a little more difficult to define, and to comprehend. The first to try was Francis Fukuyama: With his essay entitled, "The End of History" he declared “an unabashed victory of economic and political liberalism”. The resulting, “triumph of the West” was evidence that there was no “viable systematic alternatives to Western Liberalism.” Therefore, there was no “fundamental contradictions in human life that cannot be resolved in the context of modern liberalism, that would be resolvable by …show more content…

Lastly, it is along the lines of these civilizations, of which seven or eight exist, that alliances will be formed and wars will be fought.
Although many of us have used the words culture and civilization interchangeably, Huntington spends a great deal of time differentiating between the two. Cultures have a commonality; ancestry, religion, language, history, values, customs, and institutions. These commonalities will define cultural groups; and the largest cultural group possible, at the broadest level, is a civilization. “Culture is the common theme in almost every definition of civilization”. The civilizations, as identified by Huntington are Sinic [Chinese or Confusious], Japanese, Hindu, Islamic, Orthodox [Russian], Western [Europe, North American, Australia, New Zealand], Latin American and possibly African. And it is among these groups that share a “common interest and common values” and have a “common culture or civilization” that will lead to more interdependence on members of the same civilization and less dependent on the West. Huntington’s theory is that the West has had [at one time or another] a negative impact on every other civilization, and this has led to a decline of power and influence around the world, especially the Islam civilization. Therefore he predicts, “the fault lines between civilizations will be the battle lines of the future.”


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