
Sherlock Holmes Research Paper

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Holmes That Last Centuries Literature reflects the values, beliefs and morals of its time period. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes expresses and reflects attributes of Victorian society. Dissecting Sherlock Holmes and comparing it against The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes will uncover values and traits exhibited in the twenty-first century. Examination of Sherlock Holmes shows a propensity towards violence in the twenty-first century. Within the first ten minutes of the movie Sherlock Holmes is involved in 2 fight scenes (Ritchie, 0:02, 0:04). The first scene in the movie has holmes sneaking into a cavern (Ritchie, 0:02) In this scene along with others, Holmes resorts to violence and injuring others. Ritchie, …show more content…

Watson intrudes on Holmes after hearing bullets being rang off one after another inside Watson’s office. Holmes is depicted hiding in a dark corner with his workshop a mess as though he is unstable and can not complete an idea which suggests Holmes has an attention disorder allowing him to notice tiny detail but also giving way to his unstable behavior. Watson and Holmes aid compounds on the inference of Holmes illness suggesting “there’s enough poison in you already” (Ritchie, 0:09). Doyle, instead of showing Holmes powers of deduction that of mental illness, shows Holmes abilities coming from his simple ability to examine situations more carefully. In “The Red-headed League” Holmes deducts that Mr. Wilson has done manual labor, is a freemason, and has been to China (Doyle, 22). Watson, in Sherlock Holmes speaks on him being mentally disturbed for following Holmes on his cases (Ritchie, 0:55). As for in the novel, Watson never waivers on following Holmes. Instead of believing Holmes is out of his mind, He admires the abilities of his friend and sees them as they are, simply noticing things others refuse to notice (Doyle,

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