
Shitty First Draft Summary

Decent Essays

In the reading, “Shitty First Draft by Anne Lamott,” she talks about her struggles on writing a perfect just like anybody else does. People lives are not perfect, just the same way your first essay is written. Anne first tells us how nobody can sit down and write a perfect draft right away. Not even me that I’ve been going to school non-stop, I cannot sit down to write an essay draft. I would sit down and rub my head or just write on as piece of paper what my essay would be about. She also explains to us that our first draft would always be a childish draft where she has a big point, because no ones’ draft would never come out like there expect it to be. Anne says, “The first draft is the child’s draft, where you let it all pour out and then let it romp all over the place, knowing that no one is going to see it and that you can …show more content…

Lamott says, “You need to start somewhere. Start by getting something—anything—down on paper.” Anne tells us to start with the first draft then go from there and move on to a third, fourth and fifth, maybe even more rough drafts. Lamott also explains to us that it was the worst part of an essay, because the voices and thoughts there were in her head about correcting her paper and just getting rid of the errors she made. When I read this part of the book, yes, I would relate to her, even though I’m not a big fan of English. I do struggle writing my essay, or even just think about how I’m going to plan it out. I feel like I’m sitting down either writing or typing my essay out for more than three days, but, it’s only the first day. I have never thought about how much the writing process would be, until I have found my method of writing one. At the end, no one is perfect on doing a draft perfect, everyone is the same but in their own

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