
Short Story 'A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings'

Decent Essays

Inci Sariz-Bilge International Short Story 27 October 2014 A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings García Márquez’s “A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings” tells of a young couple who discovers an old man with wings who resembles an angel and provides him with a domicile until he eventually flies off into the horizon. This short story illustrates how people are innately selfish and looks at those who differ from them with disdain. Pelayo and his wife Elisenda, upon finding the old man in their courtyard, were unsure what to do with him. After one night, they decided to give him three days of provisions and send him out into the sea in a poor effort to support his survival. Once the old man became a popular attraction, Elisenda began to charge people admission to see the angel. These actions portrayed the main characters as very egotistical. Even if it meant being inhumane, the couple continued to mistreat the angel because he brought them profits. Then when the old man got replaced by the spider-woman and ceased to bring them wealth, they completely cut him off. Letting him sleep in the shed for years was an act of “charity.” People generally stop caring about the condition of others once …show more content…

“Elisenda let out a sigh of relief, for herself and for him, when she saw him pass over the last houses, holding himself up in some way with the risky flapping of a senile vulture.” She acted like she genuinely cared about the well-being of this old man, which was not true at all. Elisenda subjected the old man to pecking chickens, pulling out of his feathers, and even stoning. This is a strange phenomenon that can be translated over to the real world: when someone dies, people who were mean and inconsiderate to them might try to rationalize what they did and act regretful. They are hypocritical and act as if they have done nothing

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