
Short Story : Chapter Story

Decent Essays


The war had not dampened Charleston’s spirit. Nor had it altered its social events calendar. The invitation to Colonel Andrews birthday party arrived shortly after lunch two days after Thomas abandoned Allie at her grandparent‘s home. Then, not soon after, an invitation to the annual May Day Ball arrived.
“My, aren’t you popular these days,” observed Allie. “You’re receiving one invitation after another. One would think that everyone would be depressed with this war going on, instead of planning balls and soirées.”
“You seem to be the only one that is depressed, Cousin,” observed Eli. “Well, you and Grandmother; also, it is not just me that is popular, it is we that are popular- the invite is for the entire Harris clan, not just me. …show more content…

What will I wear to such prestigious events? You forget that my closet is basically bare.”
“Don’t worry, Allie Mae. Charleston is not yet in the hands of the Yankees- I’m sure we can rustle something up.”
Allie immediately thought of the old woman she and her mother had gone to, to get her last gowns made, but she was in Savannah. “Do you know of a seamstress that won’t be swamped with orders- it is so close to time, I’m sure no one will be available this late,” said Allie, beginning to feel some of Eli’s excitement.
“I’m sure Grandmother has someone available. Just before you arrived, she had a fitting for the Colonel’s party. We have a standing invitation to his party each year.”
“If I have to, I’ll sew something myself,” said Allie. “From the time I could hold a needle between my thumb and forefinger, I helped our Addie sew my clothes. Mother just did not trust her to do a nice enough job with my trousseau; she is getting so old that her eyesight is very poor. Can we go to McVay’s and choose some cloth and several dress patterns; I’m sure they’ll have what I need.”
“I remember Addie- she was your mother’s nanny. I did not know she was still alive- she must be nearly eighty- her and Grandmother are about the same age. Did you know that Addie came into the Harris household when Granddaddy and Grandmother married… before she was your mother’s nanny, she was Grandmother’s personal servant?”
“No, I did not

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