
Short Story: Eagle Cage High School

Decent Essays

All I remember from that day is killing Jayden and Noah. My two best friends.

"Bye Mom," "Bye Ryan honey!!" "Mom I told you not to call me that, you are embrassing me in front of everyone." I turned around and felt everyone's eyes on me as I walked down the hallways of Eagle Cage High School. I rushed to my locker to meet my bros Jayden: the handsome popular one that had girls falling all over him and Noah: the football team captain. If you'd told me in the beginning of the year that I would be chest thumping two of the most popular guys in school, I would've brought you to the mental hospital. But here I am , freshman in a popular high school and I gotta learn how to deal with it. You would never think that someone like me would be hanging out with Jayden and Noah. I was the nerd, the ugly one and the one that no girl would ever fall for. I was pretty much the loser of high school. "Yo dude, you up to go to the Manor House," Jayden asked. "Manor house.., uh you mean the ones that's haunted.. The one...down the street," I muttered shakingliy. " Ryan you're crazy. Why are you believing stories that crazy old ladies tell you. You're full of baloney," Noah said jokingly. "Ya you're probably …show more content…

What if I didn't mKe it out alive? What would be waiting for me inside?? My thoughts disappeared as I saw the smiling and brave faces of Jayden and Noah. Right before we went in I took one last glimpse of the old, wore down house and stepped in. Right as we walked in something already told me that there was something very wrong with this house. " See I told you guys, nothing was wrong with this hou....," Noah stopped midway. He was staring straight ahead. There on the front wall were the words " you shouldn't have come inside" written in red paint. Jayden walked up bravely, touched the paint and said " see guys there is nothing wr....,"and there on his hands was the same wet red paint. To be

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