
Short Story

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Forever since he’d been in a real bed. Lance remembered them being more comfortable. Understandable, since he’d painted some kind of heavily exaggerated picture of a bed’s comfort in those weak attempts to will himself away from nights on cold prison ground. Physicality grounded his focus onto /something/ when shivers seemed to shudder him right out of reality. The bed became the North Star of just enough rest to survive, of keeping somewhat fresh what it felt like to be safe, of some semblance of sanity. The forgiving plush of a mattress, the protective embrace of a blanket, and the steady reassurance of fingers in his hair. He had all of that now, with a warm body wrapped around him to boot, but none of it was as satisfying as he had …show more content…

Delicate and pleasing features were supposed to be on his side, but Lotor indisputably was not. Beauty had betrayed him, until he betrayed himself. More haunting came from guilt. Long, mesmerising hair and pleasing angles of composition were dangerous of their own accord. Knowledge of their existence was extra danger enough. An understanding of exactly how to manipulate with those good looks, though? Downright deadly. Not quite fatal (circumstantially), but strong enough that Lance was desperately searching Shiro’s undisturbed repose for solace and coming up with nothing. He couldn’t share the guilt. He couldn’t let Shiro in on anything that would be too much. But he couldn’t keep it to himself, either. “What a pair we’d make.” Lotor’s tone had always been an octave too low, a shade too suave, affecting too much for Lance to be completely sure that all his shivers stemmed from the low temperatures. The shudder that ran up his spine again at the sheer memory was good indication that Lotor’s voice really had been most of the cause. “I don’t want to be a pair with you,” had taken a suspiciously long time to work out of Lance’s system, but the delay had been a trade-off to guarantee no waver in his voice. “So loyal to your black paladin. And yet, I don’t think much work on my behalf will be necessary to get your body to

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