
Short Story: I'm Adopted?

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Page 1: It was a beautiful summer day, when all of a sudden “I’m adopted?” “Lou! Calm down!” said Lou’s mother. “How am I supposed to stay calm, when I just found out that I was adopted? Do you think I’m all right with this? Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?” Lou said panicking. “No, honey. We just waned to tell you at the right time. Please calm down. If you want to know anything about them just ask, okay? We are here for you.” Page 2: Loulou, also known as Lou, was a thirteen year old who was adopted at a very young age. She was in a car accident with her birth-parents on their way home from a summer trip. She was safe in her car seat, but what she didn’t know was that her parents were badly injured. When they were sent to the hospital, Lou never saw them again. Lou was sent to an adoption center. After a couple of months, her current parents, Mary Tye and Sam Tye, adopted her. Page 3: The next morning after a horrible sleep, Lou went down for breakfast with a list of things she wanted to ask her adopted parents about her birth-parents, “Mom, dad, can I ask you something?” “Of course you can Lou.” Sam said in a soft, tender voice. “What is it honey?” Mary asked her. “Can you give me the address of where I used to live, and a picture of my birth-parents? Please.” Lou said in a soft voice like she was about to break into tears. “Definitely!” Sam and Mary said at the same time, with surprised looks on their faces. Mary wrote down the address, while Sam

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