
The Parker Brothers : The Grand Day Of Revelation

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The Parker brothers were exceptionally impeccable from a young age deriving their personalities from their humble religious parents. They were raised in a catholic paltry cottage in Pennsylvania. This destitute home and lifestyle was part of their parents’ scheme. Through their entire childhood and early teenage years the Parker brothers were being prepared to receive a high inheritance from their departed great grandfather. This treasure had been preserved for them, and it had since then grown. After eighteen years of preparation, the grand day of revelation finally arrived.
Jonathan and Joshua Parker were overwhelmed and speechless upon discovering their true descents. When they received their checks, their parents advised, “Remember everything we have taught you and do not let this wealth change your moral way of living.” Their father affectingly explained why he denied the inheritance and why he saved it for his children. This warmed the Parker brothers’ hearts, and they promised that they would continue to live according to the values they were taught. The following day, they headed to the bank to claim their family’s treasure.
Joshua pondered, “I still do not understand how on earth this is possible! Do you really think these checks are real? I don’t even know what’s real anymore.”
“I’m not so sure either. I’ve been thinking and what I don’t understand is why mom and dad did not tell us anything before. We went through horrible times! They had more than enough

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