
Literary Devices Used In The Short Story Marigolds

Decent Essays

Writers are able to leave their personal fingertips on their pieces, which is why writing is such a beautiful hobby. Whether one is writing poetry, short stories, novels, scripts, articles, etc., the diversity and uniqueness is absolutely amazing. In order for writers to keep their pieces original, they use literary devices such as imagery, juxtaposition, and diction. These devices help create something called voice, which is essentially the special way an author writes, including word choice and the way the author communicates his or hers ideas. These three literary devices are used frequently in the short story “Marigolds,” and each of them contribute to the author’s voice. To begin, imagery helps shape the voice in the story “Marigolds.” Without varying kinds of imagery, written pieces seem bland and boring. Statements made in the short story like “lush green lawns” and “passionate yellow mounds” create mental pictures in the heads of the people reading. The words passionate and yellow put next together in a sentence could make one imagine a sunny day in a beautiful meadow full of perfect bright yellow marigolds. The words lush and green put next to each other could help one imagine laying down in a large field full of long, fresh grass. If the words passionate and lush were not used in the text, the imagery would not be powerful at all. The adjectives create the strength in the phrases for the most part, but colors definitely help, as well. If the author only said

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