
Short Story Of Aemilianus

Decent Essays

On a Monday morning as Aemilianus Priyanka was prancing home his mom Tamrat Priyanka called him and asked why he is failing his classes and struck his teacher Mr. Naomhán Afon František Comgal Ó Cochláin right across the top of his head. This lead to his mom demanding him to go to his room and think of what he has done. Aemilianus refused and this made his mom turn into the devil. Aemilianus said to his mom “ I never follow the rules in school so why is this a surprise to you” Tamrat Said “Don't make me smack you upside the head little boy.” Later on that day Tamrat goes upstairs to check on Aemilius and apologies for how she acted and she saw the window open with a rope made of bed sheets hanging out of the window his mom yelled “ I'll skin that boy alive next time I see him!” As Tamrat was walking downstairs she heard a loud BOOM and she saw Aemilianus on the floor unconscious. She grabbed him and threw him with all her might inside the house and grabbed a bucket of water and poured it all over Aemilianus which lead to him waking up and drenched from all that water. Tamrat was so angry she said “ I dare you run again and see what happens little boy”. Tamrat left him off easy today because she thought she was too harsh but she still grounded him from his Tv, Phone, and video games . So it's a couple weeks later and Aemilianus went to hang out with his friends, so they went to eat at a fast food place and then go under the bridge after that. But Aemilianus didn't know

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