
Short Story Of Evening And The Night By Octavia Butler

Decent Essays

In the short story, Evening and the Morning and the Night, by Octavia Butler she reveals her characters struggles with a disease, called DGD that causes self-mutilation and violent behavior. Lynn is a young college student who struggles with DGD, a disease she inherited from her parents who died in the most gruesome way. In her early teens, she attempted suicide and was placed in a DGD ward for observation where she witnesses other struggling with the same disease self-mutilate themselves. Lynn struggles not only with controlling her disease but self-persecution and that of society towards people like her, who suffer from the disease. For instance, Lynn describes her college years as, “Biology School was a pain in the usual ways. I didn't eat in public …show more content…

The disease required her to follow a strict diet and wear an emblem that alerted medical providers what medication not to give her because she had DGD. Both her diet and emblem prevented her from wanting to get to know people or them wanting to befriend her due to fear. That fear created a wall between her and society and made herself conscious of how people perceived her. Lynn was an outsider in society and felt discriminated against because of her disease. However, Lynn did enjoy the company of people who shared that one thing in common, the DGD disease. She moved into a house with roommates and there she felt comfortable being herself but still struggled with loving herself. She saw first hand what her disease could turn her into, a savage ripping apart her own skin with no way of controlling it or knowing when it would happen. Butler describes Lynn’s view of the outer world as, ““Two men and three women. All we had in common was our disease, plus a weird combination of stubborn intensity about whatever we happened to be doing and hopeless cynicism about everything else. Healthy people say no one can concentrate like a

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