
Short Story Of Greenvale Girls Boarding School

Decent Essays

“Come on Ava!” yelled an excited Sophia from downstairs. I dragged my suitcase out of my room. It was half way through the year and our mother had decided to ship us off to a boarding school for girls. “Ava!!!!” Sophia was an incredibly adventurous person. I on the other hand would like a nice relaxing day reading a book and leaving the adventures to the characters in my stories. As I reached the bottom of the staircase the doorbell rang and broke my train of thought. “I’ve got it!!” Sophia said as she raced to the door. I followed after her.
She opened the door and stood staring. Looking down at us was a tall slim figure of a woman. She had such a pinched up face and I wondered how uncomfortable it must be. “Sophia, Ava?” She said sharply. We both nodded our heads in unison. “I’m Mrs Cox the Principal of Greenvale Girls Boarding school. I’ve come to pick you up” I looked at Sophia. She shrugged and went to tell mother who was probably in the kitchen. I was left with this woman staring at me.
We stood awkwardly in silence, well she didn’t seem to find it awkward. Finally Sophia and mother came around the corner and rescued me from Mrs Cox poison glare. As I hopped into Mrs Cox car I waved bye to mother and turned to Sophia. “Sophia” I said. She turned to look at me. “What do you think it will be like?” I said. “Be quiet!” Mrs Cox yelled from the front passenger's seat. Sophia shrugged and put her feet up of the seat in front. Typical of Sophia I thought. Mrs Cox turned

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