
Short Story

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The baby's screams split the tense air of the royal chamber, drawing her mother's attention away from the human seer. Jensira watched from her place against the wall as the Queen crossed the room and scooped the baby up, murmuring quietly to her. When the baby was once again calm, the Queen turned her attention back to the seer, keeping her second child cradled in her arms. "Are you sure this must be done?" she questioned the hunched human before her. "Yes, if you wish to keep this kingdom," he said in his creaky voice, "and want the girl to live." He looked pointedly at the baby resting in the Queen's arms. "Otherwise the future will come to pass as I have said." The Queen stared down at her daughter's face—the future queen's face. …show more content…

Only a handful of people knew the truth about the Princess. Not even the Princess's older brother Kaimana knew. He mourned the nameless girl's death along with the rest of the kingdom. The little boy's broken-hearted cries still echoed in her ears. Jensira looked down at the baby sleeping peacefully in the sling against her chest. The little Princess hadn't even been given a name before she had been declared dead. As if feeling her gaze, the baby opened her silver eyes and blinked up at her sleepily. Jensira ran a light finger over the girl's downy silver hair that matched her eyes perfectly. She was the spitting image of the Queen like her brother, Kaimana. If anyone saw her, they would know in an instant who she belonged to; there was no disguising it. Jensira hoped it would be easier to hide her in the human lands, where their kind was nothing more than a fairy tale. Slowly, they worked their way north from the portal, passing a few small towns and several larger cities along the main road through Himera, but none of them felt right. They kept moving, pressing further north, where Jensira could see mountains looming in the distance. They followed the road all the way to those mountains and then up into them. After two weeks on the snaking road through the steep pass, they arrived in Ratha. It was a small city, nestled in the foothills, bordered to the south by dense forests. Jensira could see the entire city spread out below them as they came

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