
Short Story : ' The Song '

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Raylor Sommet "Never let go of me, hold tight, it 's gonna get hard to breathe, and I will never let you drown, even if we 're going down, hey y 'all, never let go of me, when I 'm sinking," I sang in the recording mic, waiting patiently when Travis McCoy raps, singing at my part, hopefully hitting the right the cords. "Never let go of me, hold tight, it 's gonna get hard to breathe, and I will never let you drown, even if we 're going down, hey y 'all, never let go of me, when I 'm sinking! Oh oh oh ohh! Oh oh oh ohh!" "That was great!" Tim, Travis McCoy 's manager said, coming into the recording room, Dana in tow. "When they told me a sixteen and am eighteen year old wrote and were singing the song, and needed a rapper, I didn 't believe it, but seeing you in there, that was magical." I blushed and brought Dana closer to me, "Good luck, and it was lovely meeting you both." "He 's right, girls, keep doing you." Travis said, following his manager after sending me one last smile. "That 's the last song! @radiant is done! I 'm so excited to work on @bashful and @heroic, I have got great songs written, you just have to sing them!!" Dana squealed. "But first, your date with Dylan is today, and what do you and him plan on doing? I mean after dating in the summer, and breaking up in the fall, what 's your winter plan?" I groaned as she kept bringing up the seasonal thing she 'd come up with. I followed her into the break room, pausing at the window to look at the snowy London

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