
Short Story : ' They 're Here ! '

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“They’re here!”, Tony exclaimed as the silver SUV pulled into the driveway. He could see his aunt’s silhouette against the windshield. He watched the driver door open to reveal his aunt, a short stocky woman with blonde hair. She walked to the other side of the car and opened the passenger door. From that door came and elderly man, a bald, hunched-over figure who used a walker. As they walked up the driveway, Tony ran to the door, unlocked it, and darted outside. His aunt smiled and waved. Tony waved back, swinging his arm excitedly above his head. “Hey Tony!” his aunt exclaimed. “Hey Aunt Susan!” Tony said back. He waited for his aunt on the doorstep, watching her walk with his grandfather. Tony helped his grandfather up the front steps, then his aunt helped him settle into the living room couch.
“Come ‘ere,” his grandfather said in his gruff, raspy voice. Tony grabbed a chair and pulled it into the living room, sitting across from his grandfather. “How long has it been since I last saw you?” his grandfather asked. Tony was just about to answer when his mother came from the kitchen and said “5 years.”
“Well, you’ve definitely grown,” his grandfather said. Tony looked at himself in the mirror, trying to picture what he looked like 5 years ago. This train of thought led him to think about himself now. He was tall for his age, five feet and two inches. He shaved his black hair in a buzz cut a few weeks back, and he was the only person in his family besides his father to

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