
Should 16 Year Olds Be Able?

Decent Essays

(Blogger of The Week): Should 16 year olds be able to Vote in Canada?

At the age of 16, many Canadian youth can drive a vehicle, be tried and sentenced as an adult in a court of law, have a job and pay taxes, teenagers are just as affected from government policies than the rest of Canada. So the question is why can’t 16 and 17 year olds vote in a federal election. Having voting age lowered to 16 will have greater benefits to Canada as whole than not having them vote at all. Furthermore, besides from the voting I find it completely unfair that young people don 't get representation in the government.Younger people are getting more involved in society so should they get some sort of representation or more importantly the right to vote.2]

Countries across the world such as, Argentina, Cuba, and Austria have already taken steps to to lower their voting ages. In 2007 Austria had successfully changed their voting age to 16. This helped changed civic and citizenship in their schools and it helped make Austrian youth more interested in their countries affairs.[2]

The reasons why I choose to do about this topic is that I learned a lot about the voting system and elections in civics class. I personally find election to be both interesting and educational, when I watch elections on T.V. and read a candidate 's platform online and I would really want to apply what I learned in civics class by having the right to vote.

Increased Voter Turnout

Canada as a country

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