
Should Carly Fiorina Replace Planned Parenthood?

Decent Essays

“Planned Parenthood will Destroy Humanity!” says Republican Candidate Carly Fiorina after Watching a YouTube Video
Cleveland, Ohio — It’s that time of year again where the season gets cold and spooky, we’re not talking about Halloween; with political debates starting to be held, there is more than just ghost to be scared about. The politicians all have skeletons in the closet that usually get to come out and go for walks at some point during campaigning season. One particularly scary candidate might have you checking under your bed for the plans that she has in store for America if she wins.
America is ready for a female president, but let’s not elect one at the cost of ruining other humans’ rights and safety. Carly Fiorina wants to defund and ultimately eliminate Planned Parenthood which means defunding and eliminating affordable: Pap tests, breast exams, cancer screenings, sex education programs, tests and treatments for STIs, contraceptives, and the condemning factor: abortions. …show more content…

America is blinded in a lust of baby killing! Just watch this YouTube video,” Fiorina declared and then mechanically recited a web link that she had seemingly memorized. “It’s proof that you’re all evil! The video shows fully formed fetus asking for its mother and beginning to write down the cure for cancer.”
Our interviewer responded in confusion, “Planned Parenthood services only consist of 3 percent abortions. More of what Planned Parenthood does is try to prevent

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