
Should Censorship Be Allowed In Schools

Decent Essays

Censorship in schools should not be allowed. If parents want their children to have a firm

grasp on real-world issues with the help of school, then schools should be allowed to include

“real-world language” such as “curse” words and others words that may make people

uncomfortable. First, the children may not get the full effect of what they are learning whether it

be in a novel in English class or a textbook in History class if the works are censored. Second,

books that children may enjoy that have profanity in them being outlawed in certain towns or

school districts goes against their elders saying that they should read more. How does taking

certain books away from the kids institute a love of reading? Third, the profanity and …show more content…

What more do

these other board members want?

In conclusion, censorship should not be allowed in schools. First, the children may not

get the full effect of what they are learning whether it be in a novel in English class or a textbook

in History class if the works are censored. The children may be losing out on learning about

valuable life lessons and real-world issues. Second, books that children may enjoy that have

profanity in them being outlawed in certain towns or school districts goes against their elders

saying that they should read more. A teen’s enjoyment of a book that may include explicit

language or profanity, but at the end teaches the teen a valuable life lesson should not be

outlawed. How does taking certain books away from the kids institute a love of reading?

Third, the profanity and language found in some school texts is heard everywhere around these

kids, so I doubt that seeing it in literature should affect their psyche. From music, to TV shows,

to films, profanity/language/nudity is heard and seen just about everyone and is hard to avoid,

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